Even $60 Super Smash Bros has about $60 in DLC, with more to be announced tomorrow night probably - so they might as well add the cost of an amiibo. I do realizie all of those ideas add cost, but since so many new games are killing us w/ the DLC cost anyway w/ season passes costing almost as much as the game - DBXV is now $30, but the DLC is $25, and I think Fallout 4 is $30 - the cost of the game is more like a pay-to-start model. Or since Skylanders has had a new plug-in USB portal every single year, just put the game in the portal. W/ the 3 big toys-to-life games showing no signs of letting up - Lego Dimensions, Disney Infinity, Skylanders - just stick the game in a toy. Might as well just stick the entire game on the thumbdrive then. And XCX has a collectors ed w/ a music USB thumbdrive. I figure it wouldn't take much to stick memory of some type in the amiibo w/ a connector, mini-USB or something. Games like Yoshi's Wooly World and Chibi Robo shipped w/ amiibo in the box. Not sure if you follow Nintneod but amiibo have been a big hit. Wed 11th Nov Well there are lots of ways it could go, I just didn't feel like getting into them all yesterday b/c it would just be me running off spouting gibberish.